Alpha, Beta, &Gamma Particles

Alpha rays :-

Nature: He nuclei represented as   2He⁴  or He²+

Mass :  4 a.m.u or  6.642 × 10^ –27 kg

Charge :Positive charge of +2 units

Penetrating power : Minimum -0.1 mm thick aluminum foil can stop it.

Ionising power :  Maximum.

Beta rays:-

Nature: Stream of electron represented as -1e⁰.

Mass :  0.000548597 a.m.u. or 9.1 x 10-31 kg

Charge :Negative charge of –1 unit.

Penetrating power : It is stopped by 5 mm thick Aluminum foil.

Ionising power : Less than Alpha but more than Gamma rays.

Gamma rays:—

Nature : Electromagnetic waves of very short wavelengths.

Mass : No mass

Charge : 0

Penetrating power : Maximum — even 750 mm thick pb plate cannot stop it.

Ionising power : very Low.


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