Discovery of Radioactivity / what is Radioactivity?

 The French physicist Henry Becquerel was engaged in furnishing a relation between X-rays and luminescence  exhibited by Uranium salts.

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  One day in 1896 by chance he wrapped a photographic plate in a thick black paper and placed a small crystal of potassium uranyl sulphate upon the black paper.Next day to his surprise he saw that the photographic plate had darkened at some places.  Becquerel concluded that the uranium salt had emitted a kind of ray which could penetrate the thick black paper, like X-rays. 

Discovery of Radioactivity 

After  thorough Investigation on the nature and the characteristics of the rays he came to the following conclusions  :---

1. Uranium salts spontaneously emitted a kind of that could not be controlled by any physical or chemical condition. 

2.  The ray could fog photographic plate wrapped in black paper and could pass through thin sheets of metal foil which are opaque to ordinary light.

3.  the ray could ionise the air in it's Vicinity. 

4.  It could discharge a charged  gold- leaf electroscope.

       these newly  discovered rays were initially called  " Becquerel rays "  in honour of the discoverer.   the  terms  Radioactive rays was coined by Marie Curie in 1898, and the phenomenon ws called Radioactivity. the substances which emitted such radiations were called radioactive substances. 

Definition of Radioactivity:  

The spontaneous disintegration of certain atomic nuclei accompanied by the emission of alpha or beta and Gamma  radiation  is called  Radioactivity.        

 the emission of the and their activities are independent of temperature,  pressure,  or previous history of the material.  

   Radioactivity is a nuclear phenomenon which is not connected with outermost electronic configurations. 


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